Algo de mi

Algo de mi...por donde empiezo...dejame difícil decir algo de una misma...pero lo haré lo mejor que pueda...

Soy Carmen...mi origen....del Sur de España...madre malagueña y padre sevillano...casi na...pero una nació en la Bella Málaga...aunque mi adolescencia fue en Melilla...ciudad también muy particular...pero como la vida da tantas vueltas...he ido de un lado a otro con mis maletas...pues si...nunca llevaba una...ahora he cambiado y voy con una sola de mano...mi mundo???? estar en una nube casi todo el tiempo...eso si...rodeada de Arte y Moda...como toda chica adolescente...rebelde y alocada no quería estudiar hasta que un día con 17 años abrí los ojos y poco a poco llegue a licenciarme en Bellas Artes y luego con mas ganas de mas...Me gradué también en Diseño de Moda...ciudades que he vivido...Málaga, Melilla, Sevilla, Leicester...y ya mas de cinco años razón...trabajo como Diseñadora de Moda...

Por que razón mi blog de Moda? una historia tan larga y corta a la vez...sabes porque??? nació como terapia de un desamor...lo se...cuando te rompe el corazón...necesitas encontrar una razón para seguir contigo misma...yo me refugie mas que en mi trabajo...a volver a dibujar...hacer ilustraciones de moda y con mi pequeño dolor nació

Ella nació un día que estaba delante de un papel...lloraba porque aun me dolía el corazón y mi herida no cerraba...ella me ayudo...tropecé con la misma piedra dos veces más...pero ya se sabe que una cuando esta enamorada, no ve la realidad...piensa que es ideal y que tu has hecho algo mal...aun me lo pregunto...pero se que yo no hice nada, tan solo amar...

Ahora es distinto y os invito a conocer, a disfrutar de mi blog...un armario lleno de cosas bonitas para ti...donde podrás ver para cada día un estilo diferente...aquello que te gustaría llevar y no te atreves...ese bonito vestido de vichie que nunca encuentras el momento adecuado...esas bailarinas de color rosa que siempre soñasteis ponerte un día que llueve dentro de tu corazón...espero conseguir esa sonrisa que nunca debe falta en tu rostro...todo esto y más quiero que veas en mis palabras de cada momento que la vida me brinda...el sol sale todos los días para ti...y para todos...

♥ ♥ ♥ Esta soy YO ♥ ♥ ♥

A little of me ... where I begin ... leave me to think ... it is difficult to say something of myself... but I will do the better thing that could...

I am Carmen ... my origin .... of the South of Spain ... of Malaga mother and Sevillian father ... almost nothing ... but it was born one in the Beautiful Malaga ... though my adolescence was in Melilla ... city also very particular ... but as the life it gives so many returns ... I have gone across with my suitcases ... so if ... it was never taking one ... now I have changed and go with the alone one of hand ... my world???? To be in a cloud almost all the time ... it if ... surrounded with Art and Mode ... as every teen girl ... rebellious and crazy it did not want to study until one day with 17 years I opened the eyes and little by little manage to graduate in Fine arts and then with mas win of mas... I graduated also in fashion Design ... cities where I lived...Malaga, Melilla, Seville, Leicester ... and already mas of five years Barcelona ... the reason ...I work like a fashion Designer...

For that reason my fashion blog? ... it is such a long history and cuts simultaneously ... do you know because??? It was born as therapy of a dislike ... ... when it breaks the heart ... you need to find a reason to continue with you same ... I shelter mas that in my work ... to returning to draw ... to do fashionable illustrations and with my small pain she was born ... if ... nALUCA...

She was born one day that was in front of a paper ... it was crying because even the heart was hurting myself and my wound was not closing ... she I help myself ... I stumbled over the same stone twice more ... but already it is known that a when this one in love, it does not see the reality ... he thinks that it is ideal and that your you have done slightly badly ... even I ask it myself ... but that I did not do anything, just love...

Now it is different and I invite you to know, to enjoying my blog ... a cupboard full of nice things for you ... where you will be able to see for every day a different style ... that one that you would like to take and you do not dare ... this nice garment of vichie that you never find the suitable moment ... these ballerinas of pink color that always you dreamed to put one day that rains inside your heart ... I expect to obtain this smile that has never to it is absent in your face ... all that and more I want that you see in my words of every moment that the life drinks to me ... the Sun goes every day to you ... and for all...

♥ ♥ ♥ This one I am I ♥ ♥ ♥

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